Why I started a Blog...

I guess there is no sane reason for anyone writing to no-one in particular, and yet people have been journalling for years. A blog is not much different and whilst one of my new years resolutions was to keep a dairy, the leatherbound mole-skin journal still lies next to my bed in a virginal state. 

Hence the blog.

There is a lot and a little going on in my life. Today, so far, my biggest decision was whether or not to use my married name when publishing things online. May seem trivial on the surface, but any woman who has had to humbly submit all achievements in her family name in honour of a new, married name, will identify with the crisis! 

At last the new job is starting to feel a little less like the new job it is. I was starting to wonder if I would ever feel at home in my foreign environment. I guess you can equate it to the fish-out-of-water analogy. I was used to water that slightly darker in colour and poorer in consistency. It takes a while to get used to paler waters with an entirely new selection of flotsam. There is, however, happiness on the horizon. And about bloody time!

And oh yes, the big diet. I sympathise with all those folk who have tried these things continually, without results. Much like the Buddhist proverb of a man walking along a road with a hole in it... I am have found myself in the same dark and dingey diet pit. THis time, dietitians orders: strict eating plan and most of it stuff I would eat anyway. Just not together. For someone who loves cooking yummy food - being told how to cook things just doesn't do it for me. And why should it? For the record, this is a PHbalancing, toxin-ridding diet, intended to keep diabetes and constipation at bay - the ultimate goal: healthy balance. Read between the lines - to crap a bit more and to weigh a bit less. My next novel will be called "Fat is not Fat." Maybe that one will get published?

So thats today. At least the first half of today. And my first official blog post. Long may the relationship last. A Thousand and One Thoughts to be shared, so I suppose... there are a thousand more to come? 
